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Leeming RAFMr Rob Campbell

Leeming RAF Community Primary School

RCHaving originally worked in Northumberland, Rob joined North Yorkshire LA in 2013 as headteacher of a small rural school which he led for over 3 years. In 2016, he was appointed head at RAF Leeming – a school with the highest percentage of military children in the country – therefore facing significant challenges pertaining to mobility, SEND, pastoral needs and service life. His interest lies in supporting school improvement through contextual understanding – addressing the particular challenges faced by each individual school, rather than applying a single, uniform approach.  Rob has successfully completed the National Professional Qualification in Executive Leadership.

More widely, Rob’s work for the Swaledale Alliance has included leading on assessment, undertaking school reviews, bespoke Headteacher support, developing the Headteacher Induction Programme, and working on service pupils’ issues. He works as CPLD lead for the Alliance, and, as such, co-ordinates the TSA’s wider CPD offer. Rob also facilitates on the NPQH training new headteachers through Red Kite TSA.

Visit Rob's school website - click here