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Hunton and ArrathorneMr Samuel Donaldson

Hunton & Arrathorne Community Primary School

SDonaldsonI have held the post of Headteacher at Hunton & Arrathorne CP School for three years. Before my time at Hunton & Arrathorne School I held senior leadership positions in a variety of schools across North Yorkshire (both small and large!) including those within a federation and within schools with a high percentage of SEND and behavioural challenges. These senior leadership experiences allowed me to develop strategic leadership within schools and leading core and foundation subjects, as well as teaching across the primary phase.

In 2023, Ofsted graded Hunton & Arrathorne as 'good' overall, with Personal Development, Behaviour & Attitudes and EYFS graded as 'outstanding'. Significant work has been undertaken on implementing our core vision and creating a curriculum which is 'broad and ambitious, ensuring the curriculum sets out the precise knowledge, skills and vocabulary pupils need to know'. As a leader, I have prioritised pupils' personal development and the positive impacts clear behavioural systems can have on attainment. Through careful consideration and ensuring our offer is enriching, bespoke and rooted in diversity and equality we have created an exceptional personal development curriculum. I am particularly interested in supporting schools in developing approaches to celebrating diversity, even when the nature of cohorts can be a barrier to this.

Alongside overall leadership of the school I also lead Maths, PSHE, Art & Design and Religious Education as well as sharing responsibility of a Year 3/4 class. I also enjoy working with trainee teachers through the Red Kite Alliance and supporting colleagues through mentoring and informal arrangements.