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Useful research documents:

DfE research document November 2015:


DfE / NFER research identifying common building blocks in successfully raising attainment in disadvantaged pupils:


Improving Outcomes for Disadvantaged Learners 2016/17:


National Education Trust / NYCC Tacking Educational Disadvantage Toolkit:


NYCC - Using the funding to maximise achievement:

Ofsted 2013 The_Pupil_Premium_-_How_schools_are_spending_the_funding

Alliance Research PowerPoint:

PP Research SWA.1

National College/TSC - Guide on Effective Pupil Premium Reviews:


'Making the best use of Teaching Assistants' (Sharples/Webster/Blatchford):


10 Point Plan for Effectively Spending Pupil Premium Funding:

Ten Point Plan Sir John

Guide on Base School Strategy with High Attaining Disadvantaged Pupils:

The building blocks of success Sir John