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Website compliance project information

Purpose of the project

To ensure that school websites are compliant with statutory requirements giving them the best possible start at an Ofsted inspection

Assist schools in their development of a user-friendly website by offering good practice advice and guidance

To provide an audit and checklist that is both informative and a valuable tool to assist you with your website compliance

May 2024 - update to compliance information, linked to

  1. Who and what this guidance is for
  2. Why information must be published
  3. Admission arrangements
  4. Behaviour policy
  5. Careers programme information
  6. Charging and remissions policies
  7. Complaints policy
  8. Contact details
  9. Curriculum
  10. Ethos and values
  11. Financial information
  12. Governance information
  13. Ofsted reports
  14. Pay gap reporting
  15. PE and sport premium
  16. Public sector equality duty
  17. Pupil premium
  18. Remote education
  19. School opening hours
  20. School uniform
  21. Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
  22. Test, exam and assessment results

Swaledale Alliance Audit Tool - Sept 2024

Further information available from - What maintained schools must publish online - GOV.UK (